Sunday, September 13, 2009

Something new, something old

So a few weeks ago, facing the prospect of doing no more races this year, I got this half-cracked idea that I could attempt a sprint triathlon. Something to keep my competitive juices flowing and keep me fit. Something to break me out of the doldrums of cycling. What!? Did I just say that? It is true, I had hit a lull (that I was soon to snap out of...more to follow). In the meantime, I had work to do. Biking check. Running, although not my favorite, not an issue. Swimming not so much. I can't swim.

Okay, so I can't swim well. But really, it's only 0.3 miles. How hard is that? Two bucks and 25 meters of community pool later, the dreams of the sprint triathlon were shattered. Swimming is a vile activity. Any sport that requires your body to demand more oxygen and then robs you of the ability to get it is not fine by me. "Just stop and catch your breath," you say. This works fine and dandy in a bathtub, not eight feet of water. But still you argue, "It's all about timing your strokes." Again, too much thinking, not enough breathing. Swim, lose your breath, die; Stop swimming, sink, drown. No thank you to either one. Though not entirely defeated, swimming and triathlons will have to stay on the back burner.

On the other hand, I have rekindled my liking of the Fat Tire (yes, both the beer and the ride). After wrenching on and cleaning up the old Cannondale, she is now ride worthy, complete with new lock and lights. I've been riding it with the family, running errands on it and riding in the dark before work. I had forgotten how fun it was to ride off of the road and I even have the sense that my wife may have a touch of the Crank Addiction (she needs to get more comfortable handling the bike, but she's already promised to dominate on the road). I plan on using it to cross train this winter and perhaps ride it during lunch at work. Who knows, maybe it will blossom into something? Though I doubt it will supplant the roadie in me. There is just something that gets lost when you have to drive somewhere to ride your bike.

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