Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ich bin kaput/Winter mode

I'm doing something that I haven't done here before: filling this post with my own self pity and doubling up on the topics.

I just haven't been myself lately. Sick for three out of the last four weeks, plenty of motivation but no impetus, and my knee is wrecked. Though I cannot cite when it happened, I can tell you that it has only gotten worse. Two doctors and four diagnoses later, and I can barely walk. This sucks. Thankfully, it is winter time, and the mileage and bike riding have slacked off (though I am not usually accustomed to this much slacking). Winter represents a hibernation for most cyclists.  A time to build endurance with long, slow paced rides and a time to recover. Having been prescribed six weeks of physical therapy, I should have plenty of time for that. 

Facing a mandatory reprieve from cycling, I decided to join up once more with the Charleston Winter Bike League.  Like a dog let loose before being neutered, I wanted one more fling with the bike.  At first I wasn't crazy with the idea of this ride, but after going a few weeks ago, I was sold.  This is a great ride concept with great people and even features some off-road sections that got me feeling like Paris-Roubaix.  The rest of the ride was nostalgic, even down to the pee breaks taken alongside an old logging road.  It was like a scene from one of those old Tour de France posters where all of the riders stop for a smoke and a beer.  Too bad my bones were sawing away again at the tendons in my knee.  What a shame that it will be missing out on these rides.  

I'm doing something that I haven't done here before: hanging up the bike for six weeks.

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