Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goodbye Friend

I finally sold the old the house a few weeks ago and I never want to do that again.  Between the showings, paperwork, and hassles, I was beginning to feel as though it wasn't worth it.  The new house has erased all of those doubts, and while there are a few things that I won't miss, I am going to miss some of those intangible memories from the old place.

I won't miss the drafty downstairs in the winter, the constantly running air conditioner in the summer, nor the randomly beeping microwave or hints of shoddy construction that are prevalent in South Carolina.  While there is no love lost there, I did find myself getting somewhat sentimental as I cleaned the place up; trying to make it tidy for it's new owners.  I could see myself in the young couple that was about to move in; DINKs (double-income, no kids) with a dog, full of promise.  We officially started our family there and the house had treated us well.  Despite the abuse we doled out on it, I feel like we left it in better condition than we found it (not that it was bad to begin with).  We made some home improvements and upgrades and family upgrades too, which proved to be the end for that little house.  We simply outgrew it.

It took the movers all of four and a half hours to move our possessions a mere four and a half miles and now I look forward to making our new home the best for us.  We have already done plenty, but there is always more. There will always be more.


  1. Happy Birthday Beanie! Can't wait to see the new house!

  2. Congrats on the new digs. June can't get here soon enough!
