Whatever his reasoning, this is good for cycling. Anything to make cycling a headline again for the right reasons. Not doping. Not bickering between the UCI and ASO. Cycling. Some say he should step aside and let the Contadors and Schlecks of the world have their moment. This is crap. Let the best athlete win. I want to see the best competition possible. I think Lance saw the competition and the clean racing and thought he could still win. I think he's right. So it begins.
2009 will be a huge year for cycling. From now until the Tour of California, the spring classics, and the Grand Tours, it is going to be awesome. It's going to be huge for me too. I plan on doing more rides and races than before. While my fitness level probably isn't where it should be at this time, I have high hopes. I've moved up to the CAT 4s and have renewed confidence in myself after some good showings last year. Gonna leave it on the table. Here's what is on tap:
2/15 Myrtle Beach Marathon Metric Century (benefit ride)
3/14-3/15 Columbia Crits (race)
3/22 Wholly Cow Century (benefit ride)
4/5 After the Bridge Run Century (ride)
4/18-4/19 LCVW Race Weekend (race)
4/29 USA Crits Speed Week Walterboro (race)
7/18 Troy Classic (race)
7/19 Tour d'Burg (race)
7/26 Team Dayton Renaissance Park Crit (race)
9/19 Tour de Tuck (mountain century, date tentative)
9/20 Vista Grand Prix
9/26-9/27 Beaufort Crit and Road Race (race)
You can see it's a big schedule. I'd like to add a race here or there and maybe switch it up a bit. Of course I will keep you posted.
We will be there cheering at at least two this year. We can't wait to see you kick some serious ass.